
4chan BBS - Chan en español
Scratch: a programming language for everyone. Create interactive stories, games, music and art - and share them online.
The problem that's with vice city and san andreas is that when I adjust the mouse sensitivity it only adjusts the left and right turning and not the up
A green haired cartoon girl appearing on the 4chan website.
A scam used by the wealthy to rip off the working class.
Urban Dictionary: 404 girl
1 Name: Oruga ID:DSWPEhUI 2007-07-06 05:19. Me estoy planteando crear un chan para todos los chaners españoles y latinoamericanos. Mi gran duda es el nombre y el
Stigmata by Arch Enemy. I don't take ownership of this song; it was made by Arch Enemy, not me.

Stigmata by Arch Enemy - YouTube